I have been saving up these product empties for quite some while. As it’s the holy month of Ramazan, one tends to get a bit slow as we function on less than half of the fuel needed for full throttle functioning. Anyhow, I shall be sharing with you all ย FIVEย product empties that I have been loving and re-purchasing for quite some while. Lets start ๐Ÿ™‚ NIVEA anti-perspirantย natural fairness Mirror mirror on the wall who has the fairest underarms of them all? ME ๐Ÿ˜‰ A bit cheesy, I guess ๐Ÿ™‚ But jokes apart I seriously have fairly good and clean under arms. That’s because I careRead More →

I am back with my ย monthly Favorites/Empties edition. This time my post has more products of skin-care. Read on to know all about my Favorite picks ๐Ÿ™‚ GIORGIO ARMANI Si Perfume Sexy sophistication with a mystery of musk enveloping our senses also with a touch of vanilla- this is what this perfume is all about. I am crazy obsessed with this perfume, so much so that I asked my Hubby dearest to get me this bottle before I ran out of it. So now I have a 50 ml and a travel sized bottle of this perfume to satiate my crazy liking for this ๐Ÿ˜‰Read More →

And we are officially in the month of October. These months are flying by so quickly, that I can’t believe that we are soon going to welcome Winters :0 WOW For my latest post I thought of doing something different, I combined two posts that is my monthly Favorites and Empties in to a single post. Why I did this? because I usually share those products that are mostly my favorites. Even for my Empties, though I go through a lot of products and garner lots of Empties, but again I usually share products which I really like and which work just great. Hence, IRead More →

Merhaba(Hello) my lovelies. Recently I travelled to Turkey for around 10 days. It was one of my most enjoy-able trips to date ๐Ÿ™‚ Turkey is a beautiful and Mystical Country. The Almighty has bestowed it with an abundance with natural beauty. Lakes, rivers, mountains, beaches and the mighty Bosphorus Sea to name a few are some of the God gifted beauties present there. I shall be posting all about my trip to Turkey in my future posts. Lets focus on the current matter at hand which is my Haul that I managed to do in Istanbul. It’s not a huge one this time as ourRead More →

Hola Ladies <3 it is that time of the month where I share with all of you lovelies my Favourites of the month ๐Ÿ™‚ So here I am with another exciting edition with a mix of some interesting products. So without much delay let us get on with it ๐Ÿ™‚   LOREAL PROFESSIONAL PARIS VITAMINO COLOR A-OX SHAMPOO Loreal Vitamino Shampoo I shall start with this amazing shampoo that I purchased on the recommendation of my hair stylist at Depilex Salon. Since I have started colouring my hair, my hair had turned a bit brittle and dry. So I naturally asked my hair dresser forRead More →

So the month of March has lone gone by and we have already bid adieu to half of the month of April…but still my fingers were itching to type a post for you guys on my March Favorites. Hence here I am ๐Ÿ˜‰ I personally LOVE reading or watching the Favorites post or video as it is a great way to get mini reviews on a lot of products which are also working wonderfully on others. One gets great insight and knowledge on a variety of products and if one is sensible enough, you can make a list of the products which interest you andRead More →

I am a sucker for body creams. Any cream which is big on moisturizing and small on burning a hole in my pockets is my best friend ๐Ÿ˜‰ So today I shall share with you guys my most favorite Body creams which are not too expensive and can be easily found in any Super-market.   The following creams are all my Favorites and I shall rate them all equally ๐Ÿ™‚   VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE ADVANCED REPAIR CREAM. This cream I specifically bought for winters and I instantly liked it on using it. It has thick creamy texture. The color of the cream inside the bottleRead More →

Hola ladies ๐Ÿ™‚ As the month of December is at its end and we enter a New Year, I thought I would share with my lovely readers about some of my favorite products that I have used religiously and purchased almost every time again and again after they empty up. Now we use a lot of different products either on a whim or we want to and sometimes we end up hating certain things ๐Ÿ™ and sometimes there are products which pleasantly surprise us. So the products I am sharing with you are those which have pleased me ๐Ÿ™‚ So without much further ado letsRead More →