
There is always an excitement and anticipation in the air when I do a Haul, be it micro or macro I jump up and down like a child specially when I receive it 😀 The not so thrilling part? Paying the bill 😉 Hehehe 🙂 Anyways I ordered some cool and much needed stuff from the website ENDULGING. There are only 3 products I ordered,  which I will be sharing with you all in this post. Lately, more than makeup my interest has been shifting to skincare. Frankly it was always this way as I like a clean and well groomed look with a clear complexion, bright eyes and rosy cheeks and lips.Read More →

Yes. I did. And I am not even guilty about it 😉 hehehe though my hubby dearest is pretty worried as in his opinion whatever money I get, I simply blow it in purchasing makeup and skincare stuff. So I do sympathise with his emotions but I can’t help my self 😉 So enough with my life shenanigans let’s get on to the actual Haul. I purchased all of thsese stuff from different places and at different times. Want to know the contents of my Haul? then keep on reading 🙂   SEPHORA HAUL My Sephora Haul consisted of two holiday sets. One was theRead More →

Hello Gorgeous Ladies. I am back with another post. I recently did a mini Haul and also won two prizes in a giveaway 🙂 So I thought I would share with my readers the details of my Haul. I am a loyal customer of the facebook page BRAND HUB which is owned by a sweet lady Sarah Tariq. I am also her beauty box that is ST EFFECTS Beauty Box subscriber. I recently hauled from her page. The things I ordered and received are: Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour palette=Rs.5500/- The original (pink) Beauty Blender=Rs.3450/- Tarte Sculpt and Glow =Rs.8900/- Glam Glow mask in blue=Rs.2550/ GlamRead More →