Yes. I did. And I am not even guilty about it 😉 hehehe though my hubby dearest is pretty worried as in his opinion whatever money I get, I simply blow it in purchasing makeup and skincare stuff. So I do sympathise with his emotions but I can’t help my self 😉 So enough with my life shenanigans let’s get on to the actual Haul. I purchased all of thsese stuff from different places and at different times. Want to know the contents of my Haul? then keep on reading 🙂   SEPHORA HAUL My Sephora Haul consisted of two holiday sets. One was theRead More →

Hola ladies 🙂 As the month of December is at its end and we enter a New Year, I thought I would share with my lovely readers about some of my favorite products that I have used religiously and purchased almost every time again and again after they empty up. Now we use a lot of different products either on a whim or we want to and sometimes we end up hating certain things 🙁 and sometimes there are products which pleasantly surprise us. So the products I am sharing with you are those which have pleased me 🙂 So without much further ado letsRead More →