Recently, on a hot sunny afternoon, some Karachi Beauty Bloggers were invited for the launch of Bio-Oil. Bakhtawar who is fondly known as Jee Bee from the Blog Seethegalmworld was kind enough to invite and gather us all for the event. THANK YOU Jee Bee <3 The event was held at Pranzo which is a quiet and cosy fine dining restaurant. We had to reach the venue at 3:30 pm but due to crazy traffic jams I reached around 3:45 pm. Upon reaching I spotted some You-tubers and my fellow Bloggers/You-tubers  Zenia from the Blog  peplumsandpetunias and Anushae from the blog already present there.Read More →

Any opportunity I get to meet my Blogger Buddies, I simply can’t resist it. I am practically like a kid jumping up and down,  waiting anxiously for the desired day to dawn so I could garb myself into finest finery 😉 and get set to mingle 🙂 Such an opportunity was presented to us Karachi Bloggers by the Company Oriflame Sweden which is a Sweden based cosmetics and skin care company. Following are some of the highlights of the Bloggers Meetup. Oriflame Bloggers Meetup The meetup was held on 13th November 2016 at The Senator Hall,  Marriot Hotel, Karachi. We received an e-invite, but unfortunatelyRead More →